Our Products

Social Media
Social media refers to a variety of technologies that facilitate the sharing of ideas and information among their users.

Construction Managment Application
Construction Management Application coordinates entire business processes related to a large construction enterprise and works department of any Governmental institution. . It also includes Construction Accounting , Architectural Drafting software, Construction CRM and Construction Estimation

Financial Management System
It offers integrated financial management, purchasing, inventory and sales management solutions. It is suited for growing organizations, multi-site Government enterprises and businesses needing a comprehensive financial management system.

e-Office Management System
E-Office is a rich product developed to maintain the file movement
electronically in any organization/ department.

Employee Work Performance Managemet
EWPM is a Biometric and GPS enabled Employee Work and Performance System on secured Saas (Software as a Service) platform.

Document Management System
C-Net's DMS seamlessly automates the process of managing documents from creation to distribution to storage throughout an enterprise. It also provides functionality of Knowledge Management system and File Management system.

Inventory Management System
Inventory management is based on technique of controlling, storing, and keeping track of your inventory items.